ethics, politics and economy of care personal autonomy policies press releases valuation

OCU – ‘Ley de dependencia: lenta aplicación’

La Organización de Consumidores y Usuarios (OCU) ha publicado una nota de prensa denunciando la lenta aplicación de la Ley de dependencia. En la misma se hace mención a algunas cuestiones de la teleasistencia

caring infrastructures ethics, politics and economy of care independent-living older people personal autonomy research projects technical aids telecare valuation

Proyecto NetCarity

Página web del proyecto NetCarity, financiado por la Unión Europea

“Netcarity is a European project researching and testing technologies which will help older people to improve their wellbeing, independence, safety and health at home.

Participants include academics, technology firms, psychologists, sociologists, carers, designers and regional authorities.

The project is investigating how new and existing technologies can be integrated cost effectively into people’s homes, making them feel more comfortable about remaining in this familiar environment. It is developing and testing a new technology infrastructure for homes, with systems that enhance communication with friends, family and care givers; support everyday living and promote a sense of social inclusion. It will encourage older people to live independently and inspire them to be more socially active. Netcarity’s goal is to turn older peoples’ homes into supportive environments which include them in society and postpone or avoid the expensive and traumatic move into care homes”

ethics ethics, politics and economy of care objects of care and care practices older people personal autonomy publications security & location techniques & ways of doing telecare

Dwelling the Telecare Home: Place, Location and Habitality

telecare home

Article recently published in Space & Culture, 12(3): 343-358  

Dwelling the Telecare Home: Place, Location and Habitality

(co-written with Daniel López)


Home has become a newly fostered place for care giving in what might be called anaging in place paradigm. As a result, thinking about how the home’s spatialities are configured and how they might transform caring has become an important issue for the social sciences. This article is a contribution to this line of thought and looks at being-at-home from a non-anthropocentric point of view. By focusing on the telecare cases of an ongoing ethnographic project and drawing on Heideggerian insights on dwelling and place, we coin the term habitality. We think this term is useful for two purposes: (1) to think about the home as a materially heterogeneous set of spatialities and subjectivities and (2) to understand being-at-home not as a way of living in an enclosed and protected shelter of routine activities, but as a way of combining those spatialities and subjectivities and the differences (and oddities) they might bring.

Full textPDF

ethics, politics and economy of care events functional diversity & disability rights objects of care and care practices older people policies resources valuation

I Congreso anual REPS 2009 sobre el Estado del Bienestar en España

Recientemente tuvo lugar en Oviedo el I Congreso anual REPS 2009 sobre el Estado del Bienestar en España. En su web se puede acceder a todas las ponencias y comunicaciones, como el Panel 11 “Estado de Bienestar y Cuidados: entre el modelo familista, la institucionalización y la desnacionalización del cuidado”

ethics, politics and economy of care resources technical aids telecare valuation

Whole System Demonstrators – Department of Health, UK

El Department of Health del Reino Unido está evaluando, a través de un proyecto de dos años titulado Whole System Demonstrators en el que se realizan diferentes pruebas piloto de tecnologías, la potencialidad de la implantación de diferentes ayudas técnicas y sistemas digitales de telecuidado (ya sean para aplicaciones sanitarias o de servicios sociales).

ethics, politics and economy of care independent-living older people personal autonomy policies press releases valuation

El País – El anciano español: activo y saludable pero con poca asistencia

Artículo de El País de Carmen Morán: “Retrato robot de los 9,8 millones de mayores de 65 años.- España será en 2050 el segundo país más envejecido del mundo.- El gasto en cuidados de larga duración o en protección a la vejez está lejos de la media europea “

ethics, politics and economy of care gendered division of labour objects of care and care practices policies press releases valuation

Público – Tituladas en cuidar a la familia

Noticia del periódico Público: “Medio millón de ciudadanos, el 90% mujeres, podrán acceder a una titulación de FP que les permitirá trabajar en el ámbito de la Ley de Dependencia”

ethics, politics and economy of care gendered division of labour older people personal autonomy resources valuation

Caixa Catalunya – Estudio “Consumo y economía familiar” 2008

Como parte del estudio de Caixa Catalunya “Consumo y economía familiar” 2008 se incluye un informe monográfico titulado “Envejecimiento y dependencia en España: el creciente papel de la población de 85 y más años”

ethics, politics and economy of care objects of care and care practices older people personal autonomy policies references research projects resources valuation

OASIS research project

Página web del proyecto europeo del 5 programa marco de la Comunidad Europea (1999-2003) OASIS (Old Age and Autonomy: The Role of Service Systems and Intergenerational Family Solidarity)

ethics, politics and economy of care gendered division of labour independent-living older people press releases resources valuation

Diagonal – No somos vuestras abuelas / Viejas en la sociedad del espectáculo

Dos artículos en el periódigo Diagonal:
– “No somos vuestras abuelas” de María Ptqk
– “Viejas en la sociedad del espectáculo” de Asunción Fernández