This is a selection of my most recent publications and multimodal work. For a more complete record, see my ORCID & Google Scholar profiles.
Books & Issues | Articles & Chapters | Multimodal work | Public debate | Interviews
Books & Journal Issues
In preparation. An uncommon city: Embodied plurality and the activation of possible urbanisms (book project)
2023. An Ethnographic Inventory: Field Devices for Anthropological Inquiry. London: Routledge (co-edited with Adolfo Estalella)
2018. Experimental collaborations: Ethnography through fieldwork devices (EASA book series). Oxford/New York: Berghahn (co-edited with Adolfo Estalella)
2018. Re-learning design. Pedagogic experiments with STS in design studio courses | Re-aprendiendo a diseñar. Experimentos pedagógicos con STS en talleres de diseño. DISEÑA, 12 (co-edited with Ignacio Farías)
2017. Speed. Cultural Anthropology, 32(1) (Openings collection co-edited with Vincent Duclos & Vinh-Kim Nguyen)
2016. Colaboraciones experimentales: Una modalidad etnográfica. Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares, 71(1) (co-edited with Adolfo Estalella)
2011. Diásporas y transiciones en la Teoría del Actor-Red. Athenea Digital: Revista de pensamiento e investigación social, 11(1) (co-edited with Blanca Callén, Miquel Domènech, Daniel López, Israel Rodríguez Giralt, and Francisco Javier Tirado Serrano)
2008. Tecnogénesis: La construcción técnica de las ecologías humanas. Madrid: Antropólogos Iberoamericanos en Red (edited, 2 vols.)
Articles & Book chapters
2025, in press. A School for the Urban Pluriverse: Learning to Inquire on the Many Ways of Inhabiting. In S. Abouelmagd, I. Farías, M. Hendawy, I. Prabaharyaka & J. Stollmann (Eds.) Planning Miseducation: Re-Learning Urban Design Inside, Outside and Against the University. Barcelona: dpr
2025, in press. In the kitchen of ‘more than textual’ ethnography. In J. Tošić, S. Strasser & A. Lems (Eds.) Re-turns, Entanglements and Collaborations (pp. 281-309). New York: Berghahn (co-written with Marina Peterson, Indrawan Prahabaryaka, Claudio Sopranzetti & Maka Suárez)
2025, in press. Multimodales Arbeiten in der Public Anthropology–a Map of Interventions und kein Territorium. Ein Manifest. In H. Dilger, G. Welz, B. Binder & T.G. Kirsch (eds.) Public Anthropology. Wissenspraktiken und gesellschaftliche Interventionen der ethnologischen Fächer (pp. 473-490). Weinheim: Campus Verlag (co-written with Judith Albrecht, Ignacio Farías, Andrew Gilbert,
Carla J. Maier & Nasima Selim)
2025, in press. Care in fragments: Ecologies of Support beyond Repair. In F. Domínguez Rubio, J. Denis & D. Pontille (Eds.) Fragilities: Essays on the Politics, Ethics and Aesthetics of Care, Maintenance and Repair (pp. 139-157). MIT (co-written with Vincent Duclos)
2025. La crisis de las crisálidas: Revitalizar la política en el fin del mundo. In F. Quiroga (Ed.) Agenciamientos ecológicos. Arte y gobernanza en la era de la crisis climática (pp. 21-38). A Coruña: Bartlebooth (co-written with Brais Estévez Vilariño)
2024. Prototypes for a Department of Umbrology. Tarde, a handbook of minimal and irrellevant urban entanglements, 8. DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/ACF64
2024. Cities: Stories of Urban STS. In U. Felt & A. Irwin (Eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies (pp. 533-542). Edward Elgar (co-written with Ignacio Farías)
2024. The City of Shades: Ethnography of Urban Habitability in Times of Climate Mutation. Tarde, a handbook of minimal and irrellevant urban entanglements, 6. DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/JU6VM
2024. Design before design: Learning to be affected by neturodiverse spatial practices. Design and Culture, 16(3), 357–381 (co-written with Micol Rispoli)
2024. Landscaping Pavements. Tarde, a handbook of minimal and irrellevant urban entanglements, 5. DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/RCASX
2024. Munich, blind activism, participatory urban design, November 2015. In D. Elliott & M. Wolf-Meyer (Eds.) Naked Fieldnotes: A Compendium of Raw and Unedited Ethnographic Research (pp. 59-70). Minnesota: Minnesota University Press.
2023. ¿Cómo diseñaríamos con animales si hiciéramos el contrato correcto? In M. Rispoli & R. Rispoli (Eds.) Design, STS e la sfida del più-che-umano | Diseño, STS y el desafío de lo más-que-humano (pp. 76-91). Terraformazioni 01. Cratèra edizioni (co-written with Ignacio Farías & Felix Remter)
2023. Reassembling Ageing, Ecologising Care? Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, 32(2): v-xii (Editorial response to Issue 32(1) on Materialities of Age & Ageing)
2023. How would animals and architects co-design if we built the right contract?. In M. Tironi, M. Chilet, C. Ureta & P. Hermansen (Eds.) Design For More-Than-Human Futures: Towards Post-Anthropocentric Worlding (pp. 92-102). Routledge (co-written with Ignacio Farías & Felix Remter)
2023. Learning with others about neurodiverse spatial practice. GeoAgenda, 2023/2: 18-19. (special issue Field Trips as Pedagogical Devices; co-written with Micol Rispoli & Patrick Bieler)
2023. Conclusion: Taking inventory. In T. Sánchez Criado & A. Estalella (Eds.) An Ethnographic Inventory: Field Devices for Anthropological Inquiry. (pp.222-230). Routledge (co-written with Adolfo Estalella)
2023. How to game ethnography.In T. Sánchez Criado & A. Estalella (Eds.) An Ethnographic Inventory: Field Devices for Anthropological Inquiry. (pp.102-111). Routledge (co-written with Ignacio Farías)
2023. Introduction: The ethnographic invention In T. Sánchez Criado & A. Estalella (Eds.) An Ethnographic Inventory: Field Devices for Anthropological Inquiry. (pp. 1-14). Routledge (co-written with Adolfo Estalella)
2022. Multimodal Values: The Challenge of Institutionalizing and Evaluating More-than-textual Ethnography. entanglements, 5(1/2): 94-107 (co-written with Ignacio Farías and Julia Schröder)
2022. Multimodale Werte: Zur Institutionalisierung mehr-als-textueller Ethnographie. In I. Kölz & M. Fenske (Eds.), Lebenswelten gestalten. Neue Felder und Forschungszugänge einer Designanthropologie (pp.27-43). Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann Verlag (co-written with Ignacio Farías and Julia Schröder)
2021. Anthropology as a careful design practice?, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 145 (2020), 47–70 (special section ‘Envisioning anthropological futures’ – Kristina Mashimi, Thomas Stodulka, Hansjörg Dilger, Anita von Poser, Dominik Mattes and Birgitt Röttger-Rössler, Eds.)
2021. Uncommoning the city / Hacer la ciudad poco común. In G. Fernández-Abascal & U. Grau (Eds.), Aprendiendo a vivir juntos: Solidaridad entre humanos, coches y bordillos / Learning to Live Together: Cars, Humans, and Kerbs in Solidarity (pp. 123-130). A Coruña: Bartlebooth
2021. Civilising technologies for an ageing society? The performativity of participatory methods in Socio-gerontechnology. In A. Peine, B.L. Marshall, W. Martin and L. Neven (Eds.), Socio-Gerontechnology. Interdisciplinary Critical Studies of Ageing and Technology (pp. 85-98). London: Routledge (co-written with Daniel López)
2021. Ensamblajes peatonales: Los andares a ciegas como prácticas tecno-sensoriales | Pedestrian assemblages: Blind people’s walks as techno-sensory practices. AIBR. Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana, 16(1), 165 – 190 (co-written with Marcos Cereceda)
2020. Acompañantes epistémicos: la invención de la colaboración etnográfica. In A. Álvarez Veinguer, A. Arribas Lozano & G. Dietz (Eds.), Investigaciones en movimiento: etnografías colaborativas, feministas y decoloniales (pp.145-179). Buenos Aires: CLACSO (co-written with Adolfo Estalella)
2020. Care in Trouble: Ecologies of Support from Below and Beyond. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 34(2), 153-173 (co-written with Vincent Duclos)
2020. Conclusion – Repair as Repopulating the Devastated Desert of Our Political and Social Imaginations. In F. Martínez (Ed.) Politics of Recuperation (pp.207-220). London: Bloomsbury
2019. DIY Anthropology: Disciplinary knowledge in crisis. Anuac. Journal of the Italian Society of Cultural Anthropology, 8(2): 143-165 (co-written with Adolfo Estalella)
2019. “The lady is not here:” Repairing Tita Meme as a telecare user. In F. Martínez & P. Laviolette (Eds.) Repair, Breakages, Breakthroughs: Ethnographic Responses (pp. 67–72). Oxford: Berghahn.
2019. Erfahren: Experimente mit technischer Demokratie in Entwurfskursen. In S. Marguin, H. Rabe, W. Schäffner & F. Schmidgall (Eds.) Experimentieren. Vergleich experimenteller Kulturen in Wissenschaft und Gestaltung Repair (pp. 57-70). Bielefeld: Transcript (co-written with Ignacio Farías)
2019. Can ANT be a form of activism?. In A. Blok, I. Farías & C. Roberts (Eds.) The Routledge Companion to Actor-Network Theory (pp. 360–368). London: Routledge (co-written with Israel Rodríguez-Giralt)
2019. Technologies of Friendship: Accessibility politics in the ‘how to’ mode. Sociological Review, 67(2): 408–427 (‘Intimate Entanglements’ monograph, edited by Joanna Latimer & Daniel López).
2018. The Lab is not Blah: Academic Encounters, Venues to Retrain Ourselves. Position paper introducing ‘A lab of labs: Documenting open formats‘ (co-written with Eeva Berglund, Adolfo Estalella, and Anna Ramella)
2018. Experimental sites and encounters: Open formats as catalysts for the renewal of ethnographic arts. Synnyt/Origins: Finnish Studies in Art Education, 3: 259-279 (special issue on Catalyses, Interventions, Transformations; co-written with Eeva Berglund)
2018. Introduction: Experimental Collaborations. In ‘Experimental collaborations: Ethnography through fieldwork devices‘ (pp.1–30) edited by A. Estalella & T. Sánchez Criado, Oxford: Berghahn (co-written with Adolfo Estalella)
2018. Co-laborations, entrapments, intraventions: Pedagogical approaches to technical democracy in architectural design | Co-laboraciones, atrapamientos, intravenciones: Aproximaciones pedagógicas a la democracia técnica en el diseño arquitectónico. DISEÑA, 12, pp. 228-255 (co-written with Ignacio Farías)
2018. Introduction: Re-learning design. Pedagogic experiments with STS in design studio courses | Introducción: Re-aprendiendo a diseñar. Experimentos pedagógicos con STS en talleres de diseño. DISEÑA, 12, pp. 14-29 (co-written with Ignacio Farías)
2017. Soporte. In Deconstruyendo el Manifiesto Maker (pp. 61-66). Barcelona: Trànsit (edited by Trànsit Projectes & Maker Convent; book chapter written as En torno a la silla: M. Alonso, A. Díaz, A. Mencaroni, R. Vilatovà, N. Gómez, T. Sánchez Criado, X. Duacastilla, P. Rovira & A. Centeno)
2017. ¿La diversidad funcional como una política del diseño? | Functional diversity as a politics of design? DISEÑA, 11, pp. 148-159 (Special issue on Design & Politics, edited by Martín Tironi)
2017. Speed: An Introduction. Cultural Anthropology, 32(1), 1-11 (co-written with Vincent Duclos & Vinh-Kim Nguyen)
2016. Caring through design? En torno a la silla and the ‘joint problem-making’ of technical aids. In ‘Care and Design: Bodies, Buildings, Cities‘ (pp. 198-218) edited by C. Bates, R. Imrie & K. Kulman, Oxford: Wiley (book chapter co-written with Israel Rodríguez Giralt)
2016. Urban accessibility issues: Technoscientific democratizations at the documentation interface. CITY, 20(4), pp. 619-636 (article co-written with Marcos Cereceda for the special issue on ‘Technical democracy as a challenge for urban studies‘, edited by I. Farías & A. Blok)
2016. Pensar infraestructuralmente. INMATERIAL. Diseño, Arte y Sociedad. 1, 1 (jun 2016), 86–95
2016. Care in the (critical) making: Open prototyping, or the radicalization of independent-living politics. Alter – European Journal of Disability research 10 (2016), pp. 24-39 (article co-written with Israel Rodríguez Giralt & Arianna Mencaroni for the Special issue on ‘Disability & Care‘, edited by Emmanuelle Fillion, Myriam Winance, and Aurélie Damamme)
2016. Del cuidado inteligente al diseño del cualquiera. In M. Tironi (Ed.), Ciudades en Beta: De las SmartCities a los SmartCitizens (pp.9-13). Santiago de Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
2016. Antropocefa: un kit para las colaboraciones experimentales en la práctica etnográfica, Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia, 5, 1(1), 155-167 (article co-written with Adolfo Estalella for the Special issue on ‘Micro-utopias: anthropological perspectives on art, relationality, and creativity‘ edited by Ruy Blanes, Alex Flynn, Maïté Maskens and Jonas Tinius)
2015. Vulnerability Tests. Matters of ‘Care for Matter’ in E-waste Practices. Tecnoscienza 6(2), 17-40 (article co-written with Blanca Callén for the Special issue on ‘Maintenance & Repair in Science and Technology Studies‘ edited by Jérôme Denis, Alessandro Mongili & David Pontille)
2015. Experimental collaborations: An invocation for the redistribution of social research. Convergence, 21(3), 301-305 (positional paper co-written with Adolfo Estalella)
2015. Of Sensors and Sensitivities. Towards a Cosmopolitics of “Smart Cities”?. Tecnoscienza, 6(1) pp. 89-108 (review article co-written with Martín Tironi)
2015. Older People in a Connected Autonomy? Promises and Challenges in the Technologisation of Care / ¿Personas mayores en autonomía conectada? Promesas y retos en la tecnologización del cuidado. REIS, nº 152 October – December 2015, pp. 105-120 (article co-written with Miquel Domènech)
2015. Analysing hands-on-tech carework in telecare installations: Frictional Encounters with Gerontechnological Designs. In David Prendergast & C. Garattini (Eds.) Aging and the Digital Life Course (pp. 179-199). London: Berghahn (book chapter co-written with Daniel López)
2014. Introducción: Hacia una antropología de las prácticas etarias. In Edades, transiciones, instituciones. (pp. 5-12). Panel proceedings Congreso de Etnografía y Educación – March 2013, Madrid (text co-written with Chiara Cerri)
2014. Installing Telecare, Installing Users: Felicity Conditions for the Instauration of Usership. Science, Technology & Human Values, 39(5): 694-719 (article co-written with Daniel López, Celia Roberts & Miquel Domènech)
2012. ¿Cómo se mantiene una usuaria? Prácticas de apuntalamiento en la teleasistencia para personas mayores. In F. J. Tirado & D. López (Eds.) Teoría del actor-red: más allá de los estudios de ciencia y tecnología (pp. 111-155). Barcelona: Amentia
2011. Restaurar el Orden del Telecuidado: Prácticas de Reparación y la Relación con los ‘Monstruos Organizacionales’. Pesquisa e práticas psicossociais, 6(2): 319-337
2011. Imitación, oposición e innovación de las formas sociales: Finitud e infinitud en Las Leyes Sociales de Gabriel Tarde. Athenea Digital: Revista de pensamiento e investigación social, 11(1): 241-254
2011. Diásporas y transiciones en la Teoría del Actor-Red. Athenea Digital: Revista de pensamiento e investigación social, 11(1): 3-13 (co-written with Blanca Callén, Miquel Domènech, Daniel López, Israel Rodríguez Giralt, and Francisco Javier Tirado Serrano)
2009. Dwelling the Telecare Home: Place, Location and Habitality. Space & Culture, 12(3): 343-358 (article co-written with Daniel López)
Multimodal work
2023. ‘Ageing Cities’ Zine. Editorial team: Adam Petráš, Anna Maria Schlotmann, Christine Maicher, Doreen Sauer, Erman Dinç, Maximilian Apel & Tomás Sánchez Criado. Design and typesetting: Maximilian Apel. CC BY NC ND Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, HU Berlin.
2022. Waste What?, an open-source cooperative game on the many ways we can reuse stuff. CC NY NC SA Trash Games project.
2021. House of Gossip, open-source game on the housing and real estate market. CC BY NC SA Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology, HU Berlin.
2021. ‘Staging Complexity‘, a review of Enacting Innovation, published on xcol, an ethnographic inventory July 20, 2021.
2021. Playing with method: Game design as ethnographic research. Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology lecture series, HU Berlin.
2020. The Method of Telegrammatic Correspondence: A Digital Mode of Inquiry during ‘Lockdown’ | El método de la correspondencia telegramática: Un modo de indagación digital para tiempos de confinamiento. Solidarity and Care, Sociological Review blog (written together with A. Estalella)
2019-2018. Spiele als Stadtforschung / Games as Urban Research. Games developed by the Stadtlabor for Multimodal Anthropology (Diana Mammana, Tan Weigand, Lilian Krischer, Lena Heiss, Leonie Schipke, Indrawan Prabaharyaka, Marie Aline Klinger, Tomás Sánchez Criado and Ignacio Farías) for the Open Form neu denken exhibition. October 25-27, 2019. Organised by the ZK/U at the Werkstatt of Haus der Statistik, Berlin.
2019, 2017, 2014. Workshop à la carte: A cardboard set for an egalitarian reading group methodology. Design CC BY NC SA 2014 Carla Boserman after a method developed by the TEO workshop (Carla Boserman, Blanca Callén, Marcos Cereceda, Gonzalo Correa, Aída de Prada, Daniel López, Guillem Palà, Jara Rocha, Natalia Rodríguez di Tomaso & Tomás Sánchez Criado). English adaptation CC BY NC SA 2017 by Tomás Sánchez Criado & Anna Gonchar. English ‘academic fork’ expansion CC BY NC ND 2019 by Jens Bergener, Tomás S. Criado, Agnieszka Dragon, Kristiane Fehrs, Joram Gruenenberg, Nicole Hecht, Marianne Syvsig, Lea Traeger, Katharina Weiss, Cleo Wächter. German version CC BY NC ND 2019 Jens Bergener.
2017-2013. Vidas fuera de catálogo & Diseño abierto y diversidad funcional, video-documentation and webdoc exploratory project by Arianna Mencaroni + En torno a la silla (T. Sánchez Criado, M. Alonso, A. Díaz, R. Vilatovà, N. Gómez, X. Duacastilla, P. Rovira & A. Centeno). Main output: Interactive video, developed in 2015 for Medialab-Prado Madrid’s Funcionamientos: Objetos comunes y cuerpos diversos workshop. Presented at the BIDEOTIK 2017 video-creation festival (Azkuna Zentroa, Bilbao).
2016. CLEENIK: A Clinic for Ethnographic Experimentation Syndromes, published in the blog of Allegra Lab, September 12, 2016 (blog post co-written with Adolfo Estalella & Andrea Gaspar
2015. En torno a la silla, special feature in the science & education TV show La Aventura del Saber (La2, Spanish National TV network, 13 April, 20′).
2015. Re(h)usar desde la diversidad funcional, display by En torno a la silla (A. Díaz, A. Mencaroni, T. Sánchez Criado & R. Vilatovà) for the exhibition REHOGAR 7 · Diseño Abierto y Reutilización, curated by MAKEA in Barcelona. It included the text: ¿Una vida fuera de catálogo? La transformación colaborativa del mercado de ayudas técnicas, originally published in the EXPDEM project’s blog (reprinted as a PDF for the exhibition)
Public debate
2024. La crisis de las crisálidas. Reactivar la política en el fin del mundo. Ankulegi, 21/3/2024 (co-escrito con Brais Estévez Vilariño).
2023. Appreciating multimodality: A practice of proliferating nuances? Multimodal Appreciation project website.
2023. La ecología de saberes vibrantes de Bruno Latour. Ankulegi & CTXT, 6/3/2023.
2022. Paisajes activos para sobrevivir al capitalismo. Público, 25/04/2022.
2021. Colaboraciones Experimentales. Podcast Píldoras concretas del taller Futuros concretos (Conde Duque, Madrid, 44′).
2020. Democratising Urban Infrastructures: The technical democracy of accessibility urbanism. Invited presentation at SKUOR/TU Wien’s “The power to co-produce: Careful power distribution in collaborative city-making” (September 14, 2020).
2019. The World/s at the Ends of the City: Explorations in Urban and Environmental Anthropology, Departmental Lecture Series / Institutskolloquium of the Institut für Europäische Ethnologie, SoSe2019 (organised by Ignacio Farías, Tomás Criado & Jörg Niewöhner, videos of the sessions available).
2019. How to care? – Keynote speech at the Nordic Design Research (NORDES) 2019 conference, Helsinki (3.06.2019).
2019. Diseñar para la diversidad funcional. Programa #79 de Diseño y Diáspora (podcast de diseño social, Helsinki, 28.11.2019, 43′).
2019. Plenary session: ‘Envisioning anthropological futures‘. DGSKA Tagung, October 1, 2019, Universität Konstanz.
2019. Etnografía, experimentación, dispositivos de campo y colaboraciones. Una entrevista. (con)textos: revista d’antropologia i investigació social, 8.
2018. Editorial: ‘A world can only be stopped by another world.’ EASST Review, 37(3).
2017. Note-taking: A ‘fieldwork device’ duplex? – #Colleex thematic week, published on Allegra Lab September 22, 2017
2017. ‘Devicing’ fieldwork – #Colleex thematic week, published on Allegra Lab September 19, 2017 (blog post co-written with Adolfo Estalella)
2017. Ethnographic experimentation: Other tales of the field– #Colleex thematic week, published in Allegra Lab September 18, 2017 (blog post co-written with Adolfo Estalella)
2017. Two crises in and with STS: From ‘translation’ to ‘re-specification’?. Presentation at the opening plenary of the First joint meeting of RedesCTS and the Portuguese STS network in Lisbon at the Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS), 7-9 June 2017 ‘Lost in translation: People, Technologies, Practices and Concepts Across Boundaries’
2016. Editorial: ‘STS by other means?’. EASST Review, 35(3).
2016. Colleex: A Collaboratory for Ethnographic Experimentation, published in the blog of Allegra Lab, September 13, 2016 (blog post co-written with Adolfo Estalella)
2016, 2015. “Hacer cuerpo” & “¿Poner el cuerpo en común?“, Blog Fuera de clase, Periódico Diagonal
2014. Caring for a displacement in meeting formats. EASST Review, 33(4), 31-34 (conference report on the #4esCTS meeting, co-written with Nerea Calvillo)
2014. Okupar la universidad, airear la ciencia. Periódico Diagonal, 226, pp. 24-25 (newspaper opinion article, co-written with Adolfo Estalella)
2014, 2013. Ese conocimiento que la razón tecnocrática ignora (1: “¿Del doctor como el mejor gobernador?”, 2: “¿El estallido de comunidades epistémicas experimentales?”, 3: “Vulnerabilidad y mimo de la experimentación del cualquiera”), Blog Fuera de clase, Periódico Diagonal
2024. Urbanismo y envejecimiento en la era del cambio climático / Urbanisme i envelliment en l’era del canvi climàtic / Urban planning and ageing in an era of climate change. UOC – Open University of Catalonia.
2018. On the critical experience of making: An interview with Matt Ratto | La experiencia crítica del hacer: Entrevista con Matt Ratto. DISEÑA, 12, pp. 88-103 (together with I. Farías)
2018. For a speculative aesthetics of description: An interview with Alex Wilkie | Por una estética especulativa de la descripción: Entrevista con Alex Wilkie. DISEÑA, 12, pp. 70-87 (together with I. Farías)
2018. On the possibility of socialist-democratic design things: An interview with Pelle Ehn | La posibilidad de que cosas del diseño sean socialistas-democráticas: Entrevista con Pelle Ehn. DISEÑA, 12, pp. 52-69. (together with I. Farías)
2007. Interview with Bruno Latour: Making the ‘Res Public.’ Ephemera. Theory & Politics in Organization, 7(2), 364-371. PDF
2005. Entrevista a Bruno Latour: Haciendo la ‘Res Pública.’ AIBR. Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana, Núm. Especial. Noviembre-Diciembre (edición online). PDF