events experimental collaborations participatory & collaborative design of care infrastructures techniques & ways of doing urban and personal devices valuation

Wild research: Radical openings in technoscientific practice? – 2016 EASST/4S open track

The Mars Society CC-BY-SA-3.0

Please  consider submitting a paper for the 4S-EASST 2016 conference (deadline February 21st) taking place from August 31st to September 3rd in Barcelona to our open track!

We’d be very grateful if you could also forward it to potentially interested colleagues. 

Wild research: Radical openings in technoscientific practice?

A collaborative spectre is haunting science and technology. In the past decades we have witnessed an explosion of radical openings of research practices where increasingly technified citizens and engaged professionals collaborate in the most diverse forms of knowledge production in both online and offline platforms of all kinds. In these efforts they generate and put into circulation documentation on the most diverse range of issues, attempting to materially intervene their everyday worlds with different political aims. Practices that, for lack of a better term, might be described as ‘wild research’ not only signal collaborative redistributions of the who, how, when and where of knowledge production, circulation and validation, but also more experiential and sociologically-related expansions of the knowledge registers and material interventions there emerging: a whole constellation of practices forging different versions of ‘science and technology by other means’. Paying attention to these transformations this track would like to welcome ethnographic and historical works analyzing in depth open, collaborative and experimental ‘wild research’ projects helping to expand what STS up to date has considered more collaborative or more democratic forms of technoscientific production: participatory engagements of lay people into expert-driven processes such as in citizen science or articulations of counter-expertise and evidence-based activism to engage in conversations with experts. We are particularly interested in analyzing not only the different forms of knowledge and the political, but also the forms of STS otherwise that these radical collaborative openings in technoscientific practice might be bringing to the fore.

Convenors: Tomas S. Criado (MCTS, TU München) & Adolfo Estalella (Spanish National Research Council – CSIC)

For more information on how to propose a paper, please check the conference’s call for papers

To submit a paper to this open track, please click here

IMAGE CREDITS: The Mars Society CC-BY-SA-3.0

accessibility caring infrastructures collectives ethics functional diversity & disability rights independent-living objects of care and care practices open sourcing participatory & collaborative design of care infrastructures personal autonomy politics and economy of care publications techniques & ways of doing urban and personal devices

Care in the (critical) making: Open prototyping, or the radicalisation of independent-living politics


New article forthcoming in Alter – European Journal of Disability research, Revue européenne de recherche sur le handicap 10 (2016), pp. 24-39 (Special issue on Care & Disability, edited by E. Fillion, M. Winance, A. Damamme).

Care in the (critical) making: Open prototyping, or the radicalisation of independent-living politics

Written in collaboration with Israel Rodríguez Giralt & Arianna Mencaroni


In this paper we reflect empirically on some collective attempts at intervening the ways in which care for and by disabled people is being devised and carried out in Spain in austerity times. We highlight the novelties and challenges of the way in which these projects seek to tackle the current crisis of care through different forms of self-fabrication of ‘open’ and ‘low cost’ technical aids. We analyse them as forms of ‘critical making’ expanding the repertoire of independent-living and disabled people’s rights politics to the experimentation with technological production. Through the deployment of an empirical example of the prototyping process by the Barcelona-based activist design collective En torno a la silla we show how open prototyping constitutes a major challenge for the radicalisation of the independent-living movement’s precepts of control and choice, displaying the matter of care arrangements and making available its transformation.
Care; arrangements; independent living; critical making; prototypes


This research is part of an ongoing and very interesting discussion on careful design practices with our En torno a la silla mates (Alida Díaz, Antonio Centeno, Marga Alonso, Núria Gómez, Rai Vilatovà & Xavi Duacastilla) as well as the very nice people we have learnt to think with in the construction of its interactive documentary. To name but a few: Alma Orozco, Joaquim Fonoll, Mario Toboso, Carlos ‘Txarlie’ Tomás, Montse García and the Functional Diversity Commission at Acampada Sol. These ideas have also been extremely well taken care of and re-elaborated in the course of discussions and passionate politico-ethnographical reflections on design and care with Adolfo Estalella, Asun Pie, Blanca Callén, Carla Boserman, Daniel López, Jara Rocha, Marcos Cereceda, Manuel Tironi & Miriam Arenas.


This work was supported by the Spanish National R&D Programme 2012-2014, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the research project: Expertise, Democracy and Social Mobilisation (EXPDEM): The Political Action of Groups Concerned with the Promotion of Independent-Living in Spain(CSO2011-29749-C02-02); and the Alliance 4 Universities postdoctoral grant for Tomás Sánchez Criado’s individual project A study of participatory and collaborative design experiences of care and independent-living technologies(ExPart, Oct. 2012- Oct. 2014).


caring infrastructures ethics ethics, politics and economy of care maintenance and repair objects of care and care practices publications techniques & ways of doing

Vulnerability Tests. Matters of “Care for Matter” in E-waste Practices

"Waste-picker in the squatted warehouse in Barcelona extracting some copper pieces welded in a motherboard" CC BY Blanca Callén

Blanca Callén and I collaborate with an article in a special issue of  Tecnoscienza we are particularly happy to take part in: a whole exploration on ‘Maintenance & Repair in Science and Technology Studies‘ edited by our colleagues Jérôme Denis, Alessandro Mongili & David Pontille (thank you for the editorial work!).

Our text (see below for more information) is an exploration on “mending cultures” and their modes of “care for matter” understood from the “vulnerability tests” there being mobilised. It derives from a presentation in 2013’s CRESC conference, where we attempted to think comparatively on our projects on DIY technical aids and e-waste. Despite this comparison is something we might work a bit further in future publications, I’d like to thank once more Blanca for her generosity in allowing me to “think with” the materials of her very interesting project “Scrapping Politics

Vulnerability Tests. Matters of “Care for Matter” in E-waste Practices

Abstract: In this paper we will think ethnographically about how material vulnerability is dealt with and conceived of in the practice of informal menders. We explore different practices to “care for matter”, mobilized in dealing with obsolete computers, categorized as electronic waste, and will analyse the epistemic repertoires to acknowledge and intervene in such computers vulnerabilities. In dialogue with STS and Repair and Maintenance Studies literature, we will move from vulnerability as an ontological quality of the world to the enacted properties and epistemic repertoires emerging from concrete “tests”, through which we might learn how vulnerability matters. In particular, we pay attention to three specific vulnerability tests performed by these informal menders, underpinning particular distributions of labour as well as concrete enactments of vulnerability, and how to make it matter. Namely, sensing matter: manipulative practices of electronic waste whereby vulnerability is enacted as a property of materials; setting up informal experiments: informal practices of trial and error whereby vulnerability appears as a result of dis/functioning technical systems; and intervening in obsolescence: whereby sociomaterial orders regulate how material vulnerabilities are redistributed and put to the test.

Keywords: maintenance & repair; matters of care; vulnerability; test; electronic waste.

Published in Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science and Technology Studies 6 (2) pp. 17-40 | PDF

Image credits ‘Waste-picker in the squatted warehouse in Barcelona extracting some copper pieces welded in a motherboard’ CC BY Blanca Callén

art caring infrastructures events experimental collaborations functional diversity & disability rights independent-living materials multimodal open sourcing technical aids techniques & ways of doing urban and personal devices

Re(h)usar desde la diversidad funcional @ REHOGAR 7 (En torno a la silla, participación en exposición, 2015)

Alida Díaz, Arianna Mencaroni, Rai Vilatovà, & Tomás Sánchez Criado, con la colaboración del resto de En torno a la silla, participamos del 15 al 31 de octubre 2015 en la exposición REHOGAR 7 · Diseño Abierto y Reutilización organizada por MAKEA en el Espai Txema BioBuil(L)t de Barcelona.

Esta edición de REHOGAR presta especial atención a las “Habilidades y Compromisos” de las personas, profesionales, comunidades y redes que activan procesos de transformación de su entorno, y posibilitan su reproducibilidad y adaptabilidad a otros contextos. Transformaciones que se hacen posible mediante técnicas de Reutilización y metodologías de Diseño Abierto, un diseño que crece y evoluciona porque puede ser mejorado por y con otras.

REHOGAR explora un amplio abanico de transformaciones a través de una selección de más de 30 propuestas con un ADN abierto y compartible, dando cuenta de los procesos, las prácticas y las herramientas que facilitan la transformación social de la vida cotidiana […]

Más allá de los posibles estilos de vida o target de consumo que puedan generar esta selección de propuestas queremos ahondar en esas otras formas de vida, que piensan haciendo y buscan una transformación del actual sistema productivo, los hábitos de consumo y por ende de la sociedad, de una manera lúdica y constructiva.


Enmarcamos la participación de En torno a la silla bajo la idea de RE(H)USAR DESDE LA DIVERSIDAD FUNCIONAL

En torno a la silla es un colectivo de diseño y autoconstrucción de objetos y situaciones desde la diversidad funcional.

En todo lo que hacemos re(h)usamos; es decir, volvemos a usar o hacer uso de las cosas hasta convertir esto en un hábito, en un uso (reusar) y, a la vez, haciéndolo, rechazamos ciertas cosas y ciertas costumbres que no aceptamos, que no consentimos (rehusar).

Así, reusamos habilidades y saberes, rehusando capitalizar conocimientos y jerarquizar experticias…

reusamos materiales y herramientas, rehusando distribuirnos en diseñadores, usuarios o manitas.

reusamos afectos y vínculos, rehusando la rehabilitación de nuestros cuerpos en soledad.

reusamos dibujos, necesidades, deseos y argumentos, rehusando pensar desde el catálogo y la normalidad impotente e inalterable.

reusamos casas, calles, bares, luchas, memorias, rehusando someternos a mercados, estándares, obsolescencias, consumismos banales, relaciones de explotación y leyes de mercado.

Para la ocasión se seleccionaron algunos objetos y sus relatos, como los vídeos –16:9 (HD)– de la Primavera Cacharrera:

· La Guantera para silla de ruedas, por Fernando & Julià (6:20 min.)

· Handiwheel, por Xavi (8:35 min.)

· Pis-Pot, por Victoria & Jes (7:30 min.)

· Cubiertos y adaptador de boli, Nùria & Silvia (7:19 min.)

· Asientos y bipedestadores para niños, por Silvia y César  (4:16 min.)

· La mesi (mesa de quita y pon), por Marga & Alida (4:31 min.)

También un meta-relato sobre la misma: ¿Una vida fuera de catálogo? La transformación colaborativa del mercado de ayudas técnicas


Aprovechamos la ocasión para liberar muchísimo material sobre la rampa portátil, como una descripción y un tutorial de montaje.


REHOGAR 7 tenía algunos eventos asociados, como la presentación COMUNIDADES RESILIENTES (que tuvo lugar el 29 Oct. 2015, 18.00 – 19.15h) donde nos invitaron a participar junto con:
· Re-cooperar / Jaime Galán
· Fem Plaça / Lucia Vecchi
· Open Source Public Space Devices / Paco González,


caring infrastructures ethics, politics and economy of care installation maintenance and repair objects of care and care practices older people politics and economy of care publications techniques & ways of doing telecare

Analysing hands-on-tech carework in telecare installations: Frictional Encounters with Gerontechnological Designs


Chapter recently published in the book AGING AND THE DIGITAL LIFE COURSE, edited by David Prendergast and Chiara Garattini, Volume 3 of Berghahn’s Life Course, Culture and Aging: Global Transformations Series [ISBN  978-1-78238-691-9 (June 2015)]

Analysing hands-on-tech carework in telecare installations: Frictional Encounters with Gerontechnological Designs

(Co-written with Daniel López)

Brief summary 

In the past twenty years gerontechnological technologies have been marketed as plug-and-play solutions to complex and costly care necessities. They are expected to reduce the cost of traditional forms of hands-oncare. Science and Technology Studies (STS) have contributed to discussing this idea (for an overall perspective, see Schillmeier and Domenech 2010) by pointing at important transformations in the care arrangements where these technologies are implemented. Instead of just ‘plug-and-play’ solutions, transformations are found in protagonists, their roles and functions, and more importantly in redefining care. This chapter seeks to add new nuances to the definition of care in these scenarios by paying attention to what we term ‘hands-on-tech care work’. This terminology refers to the practices, usually undertaken by technicians (installation, repair and maintenance), which hold together the silent infrastructures that are now considered to be suitable and sustainable forms of care work for ageing societies. Hands-on-tech care work is usually hidden from most of the discussions concerning new care technologies for older people. On the one hand this is because installation, repair and maintenance work on telecare devices is considered as a mere technical procedure, i.e. not considered to be part of care work. On the other hand it is because of the widespread view that if technologies are well designed, installing them is simply a matter of ‘plug-and-play’. However, if we look carefully into the installation process, these concepts are easily refuted. This is because these technologies need to be continually welcomed, tuned, adjusted, tweaked, personalized, updated and installed.

Full textPDF

domotics & AAL ethics open sourcing participatory & collaborative design of care infrastructures smart city techniques & ways of doing urban and personal devices

Of Sensors and Sensitivities. Towards a Cosmopolitics of ‘Smart Cities’?



Together with Martin Tironi we have written this review essay on the smart city, published in the latest number of Tecnoscienza.

Of Sensors and Sensitivities. Towards a Cosmopolitics of “Smart Cities”?

This essay reviews diverse strands of empirical and theoretical work in different urban studies areas (urban planning, urban ethnography, urban geography, and STS) reflecting on the manifold ways in which the smart city project is being “opened up” for scrutiny through experimental projects developing digitally-mediated sensing practices of either a specific or broad kind: i.e., producing both devices formally devised for sensing specific parameters, and sensing devices –emerging from less specific digital technology arrangements– used to share experiences, show solutions or politicize different urban issues. In doing this, we seek to understand, from an STS standpoint, the different ways in which a broad range of works are analysing the development, intervention, maintenance, and opposition of these ideas. In the first section we focus on understanding the definitions, features and clashes that several of these corporate projects (mostly municipal in nature) have come across, deploying smart devices, such as sensors to produce an “algorithmic city”. In the second section we expand the meanings of “smartness,” focusing on grassroots appropriations of broader digital arrangements and politicizations of open source infrastructures to display other forms of urban sensitivities, contributing to the cosmopoliticization of the “smart city” project.
Full text: PDF
accessibility caring infrastructures ethics functional diversity & disability rights participatory & collaborative design of care infrastructures press releases resources technical aids techniques & ways of doing urban and personal devices

En torno a la silla’s special TV feature with English subs

En torno a la silla“, the collaborative design collective seeking to self-fabricate and self-manage the production of DIY and P2P technical aids for independent living in which I collaborate ethnographically since 2012, was featured in La2’s (Spanish National TV network) “La aventura del saber“, broadcasted originally on April 13th 2015. Now with English subtitles!

We speak of the collective “En torno a la silla”, composed by a heterogeneous group of people seeking to collaboratively fabricate taylor-made prototypes with functionally diverse people in order to experiment with personalized solutions seeking to meet the needs of each wheelchair user. All this to make a more accessible city. The live footage used in the broadcasting was shot by Arianna Mencaroni for the webdocumentary “Off catalogue”

I will be showing it tomorrow July 1st 2015 at the inauguration of TUM’s Munich Center for Technology in Society (where I will be working as Senior researcher within Ignacio Farías’s reseach group ‘Infrastructure & participation‘).

ethics, politics and economy of care events techniques & ways of doing urban and personal devices

Vital Mobilizations: Care and Surveillance in the Age of Global Connectivity


1 & 2 June 2015 | Paris, Collège d’études mondiales (FMSH)

Organizing team: Vincent Duclos, Vinh-Kim Nguyen, Tomás Sanchez-Criado & Frédéric Keck

Speakers/discussants: Susanne Bauer, Vincent Duclos, Ian Harper, Frédéric Keck, Janina Kehr, Ann Kelly, Andrew Lakoff, Theresa MacPhail, Pierre Minn, Maggie Mort, Vinh-Kim Nguyen, Vololona Rabeharisoa, Antoinette Rouvroy, Tony D. Sampson, Tomás Sánchez-Criado, Ian Tucker, and Mauro Turrini.
The workshop will be held at Maison Suger, 16-18 rue Suger, Paris.
The event is free, although registration is needed. Please contact:
On every front, life is being put into motion: fostered and protected against, accelerated and contained, augmented and flattened, contested and debated. It is being measured, predicted, connected and communicated by the most variegated actors with the most varied aims. Life has become the object of continuous care and surveillance. Life, then, is being mobilized. This workshop aims to explore how global connectivity contributes to mobilize life, namely to its generalized availableness as well as to the spontaneity and ubiquity of its contestations. It intends to examine how life is being generated and accounted for, put in danger and saved, disseminated and ordered in a world marked by increased interconnectivity and precariousness. Specifically, the workshop will pay attention to the concrete infrastructures, technologies, and rationalities contributing to the design of spaces of care and surveillance. Hence, in contrast with the widespread conception of a seamless worldwide circulation of knowledge, data and expertise, our aim would be to detail the embeddedness, plasticity and sheer materiality inherent to vital mobilizations.
+ info: Vital Mobilizations blog
accessibility ethics, politics and economy of care events experimental collaborations functional diversity & disability rights independent-living objects of care and care practices participatory & collaborative design of care infrastructures press releases techniques & ways of doing urban and personal devices

Infraestructurar la accesibilidad, visibilizar el cuerpo diverso

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Cuelgo por aquí el texto  (Infraestructurar la accesibilidad, visibilizar el cuerpo diverso) de retorno de mi presentación en las videoconferencias de #BAT_invisibles hablando sobre ciudad, somatografía y tecno-cuidados.

Aquí podéis echar un vistazo al resto de documentos, materiales y presentaciones, super-interesantes! Qué trabajo precioso! Gracias por invitarme/nos a esto urbanBAT!!!



ethics experimental collaborations politics and economy of care publications techniques & ways of doing

Experimental collaborations: An invocation for the redistribution of social research


Positional paper published in Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologiespart of the research programme #xcol – Experimental collaborations

Experimental collaborations: An invocation for the redistribution of social research

(co-written with Adolfo Estalella)

Abstract: This positional paper argues in favour of a research program for the exploration of experimental collaborations, a methodological approach whose epistemic engagement with the empirical work is experimental and whose relational mode is collaborative. Digital technologies have effected a process of redistribution of social science research by which non-experts and lay people are increasingly using and developing tools for the production of sociological knowledge. Under these circumstances we argue that such a redistribution of social science research is an opportunity to renew the epistemic practices of social scientists. With the proposal of experimental collaborations we invoke a twofold displacement for social research: From a merely observational to an experimental mode or research; and from individualistic or merely engaged conceptions of research to a collective exploration of problems yet unknown.

Keywords: experimental collaborations, redistribution of methods, experimentation, collaboration, co-production of science, hybrid institutions, devices, methods, methodology, Internet


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